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Graduates at Commencement

Pre-Professional Coursework

Students wishing to specialize in certain professional areas in which Southwest Minnesota State University does not offer professional degree programs may take sufficient pre-professional work to prepare for admission into a professional program.

Requirements vary significantly from institution to institution. Therefore, if you are interested in pre-professional coursework, you should seek out an advisor in that area. That advisor can then discuss with you the specific details about courses and other requirements for the program and school(s) which interest you.

Southwest Minnesota State University offers pre-professional coursework in the following areas:

Click below to expand the list of pre-professional programs.

Pre-Chiropractic Coursework

Chiropractors care for patients with health problems of the neuromusculoskeletal system, which includes nerves, bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. They use spinal adjustments, manipulation, and other techniques to manage patients' health concerns, such as back and neck pain.

Pre-Dentistry Coursework

Dentistry is the science and art of preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases, injuries and malformations of the teeth, jaws and mouth.

Pre-Engineering Coursework

The Pre-Engineering program provides Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science courses for engineering students. This path allows students to take required, elective, or pre-requisite courses economically in small class environment.

Pre-Law Program

The practice of law is one of the most esteemed professions that one can undertake. The profession is broad in regards to areas of practice, and at the same time, richly rewarding.

Pre-Medicine Coursework

Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences and research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease.

Pre-Occupational Therapy Coursework

Occupational Therapy (OT) is an applied science and health profession that provides skilled treatment to help individuals achieve and maintain independence in all facets of their lives. OT gives people the “skills for the job of living” necessary for independent and satisfying lives.

Pre-Optometry Coursework

Optometry is a profession concerned with the eyes and related structures as well as vision, visual systems, and vision information processing in humans. Optometrists are trained to prescribe and fit lenses to improve vision and diagnose and treat various eye diseases.

Pre-Pharmacy Coursework

Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing drugs. It is a health profession that links health sciences with chemical sciences and aims to ensure the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs.

Pre-Physical Therapy Coursework

Physical therapy or physiotherapy is the health care profession primarily concerned with the remediation of impairments and disabilities and the promotion of mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential through examination, evaluation, diagnosis and physical intervention.

Pre-Physician Assistant Coursework

A physician’s assistant (PA) is a nationally certified and state-licensed medical professional. PAs practice medicine on healthcare teams with physicians and other medical specialists. Physician’s assistants diagnose illness, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications, and often serve as a patient’s principal healthcare provider.

Pre-Veterinary Coursework

Veterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in non-human animals.

Academic Catalog

Southwest Minnesota State University’s Academic Catalog is an important resource for SMSU students. The catalog contains brief descriptions for all courses offered through the University, graduation requirements, Core Curriculum requirements, academic policies, procedures, rules and regulations.

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Last Modified: 5/10/23 2:03 PM | Website Feedback