Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
A message from the Provost
SMSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), which conducts comprehensive evaluations to confirm that member institutions meet the Criteria for Accreditation and other HLC requirements, are pursuing institutional improvement, and comply with requirements set by the U.S. Department of Education. All institutions accredited by HLC complete two reviews on a 10-year cycle to ensure they continue to meet requirements and pursue institutional improvement. Evaluations are conducted by teams of peer reviewers, which make recommendations to the HLC Institutional Actions Council.
SMSU successfully completed its ten-year comprehensive reaffirmation of accreditation review during the 2024-2025 academic year and is now accredited through 2034-2035. In the fourth year following reaffirmation of accreditation, institutions undergo a mid-cycle review, which for SMSU will occur in 2028-2029.
On October 28-29, 2024, SMSU hosted the HLC peer review team for two days of meetings with members of the campus and surrounding community. Prior to their visit, the peer review team reviewed the SMSU Assurance Argument, providing evidence to demonstrate compliance with each of the Criteria for Accreditation. This document was developed over a 15-month period with the assistance of the campus community in coordination with the SMSU HLC/Strategic Planning Committee. I co-led this process with Dr. Kristin Kovar, who served as the SMSU Assessment/HLC Coordinator.
In their written evaluation, completed after their visit, the review team determined that SMSU met expectations in all areas of review. Their comments confirm the following themes evident throughout the Assurance Argument, which stand out as points of pride and emphasis for SMSU.
- Our actions and our aspirations align with our vision—we strive to be inclusive and student-centered.
- We serve the public good—we have a positive relationship with, and impact on, the community and region.
- We work well together—we collaborate effectively to accomplish shared goals.
- We have an established culture of assessment—we value and implement effective practices to improve student learning.
- We are strategic and intentional in our planning and resource allocation—these areas are aligned in support of our mission.
- We function productively within the Minnesota State system – we are supportive of, and strengthened by, this relationship.
The SMSU Assurance Argument and the Evaluation Team Report are posted under the 2024 Site Visit tab of this page, along with additional materials related to the site visit.
Thank you to all SMSU students, employees, and friends for contributing to our successful reaccreditation!
Dr. Ross Wastvedt
Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student AffairsQuestions?
Dr. Ross Wastvedt
Provost/Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Last Modified: 2/28/25 2:04 PM | Website Feedback