Training and Events
Several trainings and events have been held for faculty participation. Materials and information have been linked here for reference.
Assessment Presentations
Assessment Day, February 2, 2018
ASSESSMENT DAY POSTER PRESENTATIONS: Assessment Day poster presentations will be in the late afternoon of this day. All academic programs and student services units are strongly encouraged to submit a poster. Posters will be due via email to Jeffrey Bell by Friday, January 19th, 2018. See the poster presentation announcement here. Access the template for your poster here.
Assessment Day, February 3, 2017
Presentation by CIA and Assessment Academy Members: Moving Through the Assessment Cycle
Professional Development Day, August 18, 2015
Presentation Materials: Guest speaker, Sue Pieper, Northern Arizona University
Assessment Day, February 6, 2015
Agribusiness Management Program Assessment Plan Implementation (G. Toland)
Agribusiness Management Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes (G. Toland)
LEP Outcome #8: Engaged Citizen (C. Olson & S. Peterson)
LEP Outcomes Assessing a Major (T. Henning)
PSYC 312 Assessment Data (S. Peterson)
Assessment Report Template (K. Livingston)
SMSU Liberal Education Program Student Learning Outcomes and Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal
Lunch & Learn Workshops
November 7, 2013 - Undergraduate Projects as a High Impact Teaching Technique
Presented by: Jay Brown, Pat Brace, Corey Butler, Tony Greenfield, Sheila Tabaka, Will Thomas, and Marianne Zarzana
According to the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), undergraduate research is a high-impact educational practice beneficial for college students. Faculty at SMSU mentor students on projects presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference. Faculty from several departments will discuss the impact the projects have on their students. Jay Brown will share demographic, retention, and academic performance statistics gathered from his undergraduate research group from 1997-present at the end of the presentation.
October 24, 2013 - Civic Engagement at SMSU: "Being the Change"
Presented by: Christine Olson and Scott Peterson, Center for Civic Engagement
Including disciplines from Accounting, Environmental Science, Exercise Science, History, Psychology, Sociology and Student Affairs
Get a deeper look at the Center for Civic Engagement at SMSU. What are departments doing to be involved and how are they relating it to their research and disciplines? What resources are available for individual students, groups (clubs, athletes, residence halls), faculty and community members? What insights do we have from recent assessments? Join in the discussion!
Additional Events
Assessment Day Forums, February 20, 2013
Culinology Users Guide: How to v4, Socrative Overview
English: Bachelor of Arts: Professional Writing and Communication (PWC)
English: Professional Writing and Communication Portfolio Scoring Sheet
Environmental Science: Evolution of Pre and Post Assessment Quizzes for Use in Assessment
Psychology: SMSU Psychology Program Goals and Learning Outcomes
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