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Steering Committee Membership and Charge

HLC Steering Committee Membership (2014-2015 Visit)

January 2013*

Steering Committee Membership
Position Member
Co-Chair: Lori Baker, Self-Study Coordinator
Co-Chair: Beth Weatherby, Provost
Dean of ALS: Jan Loft
Dean of BEPS: Raphael Onyeaghala
Dean of Students:  Scott Crowell
Student Representative: Rachael Pususta or designee
Faculty: Kathleen Ashe (Library)
  Will Thomas (LEC co-chair)
  Doug Simon (BEPS representative)
  Betsy Desy (ALS representative)
Vice President for Advancement:
Bill Mulso
Vice President for Finance and Administration:
Deb Kerkaert
Athletic Director: Chris Hmielewski
Chief Information Officer: Dan Baun
Director of Institutional Research: Alan Matzner
Extended Learning and Academic Outreach: Lori Wynia

* Notes:

The Committee on Institutional Assessment is cross-represented by Baker, Loft, and Desy; the Physical Plant is represented by Kerkaert

Jan Loft replaces previous Dean Lyn Brodersen (Jan.-May 2011); Raphael Onyeaghala replaces previous Dean Dan Campagna (Jan.-June 2011); Will Thomas replaces Corey Butler (Jan. 2011-May 2012); Lori Wynia replaces Betty Roers (Jan. 2011-July 2013); the Student Representative is the President of the SMSU Student Association, elected annually

HLC Steering Committee Charge (2014-2015 Visit)

 HLC Steering Committee members are charged with several responsibilities:

  • serving in an impartial role representing employees and constituents of the University;
  • promoting University-wide participation in the self-study process;
  • developing a communication plan;
  • setting goals and identifying audiences for the self-study report;
  • addressing issues noted in the previous HLC evaluation;
  • developing questions related to the five Criteria for Accreditation to be answered during the self-study process;
  • establishing subcommittees and supporting and directing the work of the subcommittees;
  • understanding that the self-study report must be evaluative as well as descriptive;
  • receiving findings, data, and draft chapters from subcommittees;
  • deciding on evaluative recommendations to include in the report;
  • and transmitting those recommendations to the university community.

Term of appointment for Committee Membership: through HLC visit in 2014-2015

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