Calendars of local, regional, and national professional development opportunities from organizations including COLT, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Network for Educational Development (NED), Quality Matters (QM), and OLC (Online Learning Consortium).
The COLT Teams site uses Microsoft Teams as a hub for questions, discussions, and information about teaching, learning, and technology. It includes announcements of professional development opportunities, a chat channel for help and advice, and a library of information to help inform your teaching. To join the COLT Teams site, email
A curated collection of information on best practices in teaching, learning, and technology, including lists of books in McFarland library, information from leading experts in higher education, and a list of technologies available at SMSU, with tips for their application in teaching.
For more complex questions on teaching or technology, we invite you to schedule a consult with one of our staff. (See staff list below for areas of expertise.)
About COLT
COLT’s mission is to build a community of engaged and creative educators at SMSU on campus and virtually. The COLT Office is on the 5th floor of McFarland Library and provides a home for faculty exploration and discussions of teaching and technology. Within the office there are spaces for meetings, discussions, workshops, and “watch parties," exploring virtual reality, relaxing with colleagues, and enjoying panoramic views of campus.
COLT helps to support SMSU’s growing online presence by providing workshops, resources, and one-on-one assistance to support our educators in these areas: professional development, online course design, academic technology, media, and administrative support for program development.
Monday – Friday: 9am to 4pm
Center of Learning and Teaching
BA 509, McFarland Library 5th Floor
Southwest Minnesota State University
1501 State St.
Marshall, MN 56258
COLT utilizes the expertise of existing University personnel resources to provide assistance, including McFarland Library, IT, the Media Creation Lab, the office of Online Learning and Transfer Partnerships, and faculty experts.
Ask the COLT Co-op
This is the best place to get help with any teaching or technology question, especially if you’re not sure who to contact. The COLT Co-op is the chat channel on the COLT Teams site. It is monitored during open hours by COLT staff.
We also invite SMSU faculty and staff to become an active part of the COLT Co-op, creating a peer-to-peer network of shared expertise.
Schedule a Consultation
Consult with COLT faculty or staff on any topic related to teaching, learning, or technology.
Immediate assistance with technology
Contact the Technology Resource Center Help Desk, which is open 7 days/week when classes are in session. Check the website for hours.

COLT Staff
Maria Kingsbury
Professor of Library | 507-537-6165
Location: BA 304 (McFarland Library 3rd floor)
Instructional design Instructional Technology
Ben Nwachukwu
Information Tech Specialist | 507-537-6261
Location: COLT Office (McFarland Library 5th floor)
D2L Brightspace Instructional Technology
Lori Wynia
Director of Online Learning & Transfer Partnerships
Book appointment | | 507-537-7424
Location: BA 266
Articulations Partnerships Agreements
Oluwabori Ale
Instructional Technology Support Graduate Assistant | 507-537-6111
Location: COLT Office (McFarland Library 5th floor)
D2L Brightspace Instructional Technology
Dan Baun
CIO | 507-537-6978
Location: BA 178
software procurement
Shawn Hedman
Director of Academic/Administrative Computing Services | 507-537-6292
Location: BA 162
software procurement