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Students Network Access

When in campus academic buildings and locations such as the Student Center, students will primarily use the campus wireless network for their devices. Wireless access is available for any personal devices used on campus.

Wireless Network

Students should connect their devices using SMSU MyWifiConnection to this network will be granted after accessing the passphrase portal with the Office 365 credentials (, and authenticating with the method of choice. The TRC is available at 507-537-6111 or for support. See the hours on this page.

Click on the button below or scan the QR code

 SMSU My WifI Button with QR Code


The portal's address is

Wired Network for Gaming Consoles, Streaming Devices, and SmartTVs

Each residence hall room is equipped with at least 2 active Ethernet network jacks. Be sure to register the Ethernet (wired) MAC address of your device, including any gaming, streaming or smartTV devices, in the MyDevices portal.  

Any unregistered devices connecting to the network will fail to gain Internet access.  Workgroup switches may work to add additional Ethernet ports in a residence hall room.

Note:  All rooms in Sweetland Hall are equipped with active wired connection jacks at the bottom of the Mist Access Points on the wall.


Students have access to a service called Eduroam to connect to wireless, Eduroam is a global wireless service that allows faculty & staff remain connected to network at any Minnesota state colleges and universities they visit. Contact the TRC if you need help setting this up or follow the instructions in the link below to set up your devices.

How to setup Eduroam


Airtame is a service for displaying content wirelessly on enabled monitors across campus. The Airtame allows the user to share their screen from any device with the capability of installing the Airtame application. The Airtame service is available in many locations on campus.  Locations include smart classrooms, computer labs, conference rooms and library study rooms. The link below provides a well-detailed instruction on how to connect personal devices, and SMSU issued devices to Airtame.

Airtame Instructions

Special Note Regarding Wireless Use in Residence Halls

Please refrain from using such devices as ‘personal WIFI routers’ and ‘hotspots’ while in the Residence Halls as they can interfere with the campus WIFI network and reduce the quality of service for everyone. Note that wireless printing capability is not supported in the Residence Hall network.

Last Modified: 3/27/25 10:25 AM | Website Feedback