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Faculty / Staff SMSU-Owned Computers

The Technology Resource Center Helpdesk provides SMSU Faculty and Staff members with SMSU-owned computers, either Macintosh or PC. This page will provide you with information about our procedures for supporting these computers.

To report any issues with your computer, or to ask any questions, please contact the SMSU Technology Resource Center Helpdesk

Virus Issues

If you believe that you may have a virus on your computer, either bring it down to us, or call us and inform us. We can send a technician to retrieve your computer, if necessary.
When we get the computer, we will back up all of your files, and then reformat the machine. When it is finished, we will replace all of your files, and inform you. We can then either make an appointment to bring the machine to your office and hook it back up, or you may come and take it from us.

Hardware Issues

If you have a hardware problem (issues with Hard Drive, loud fan, weird noises, damaged ports, etc…) please call or E-Mail us.
If it is a problem other than your Hard Drive, we may simply move your Hard Drive to a new machine, and then you’ll get your computer back quite quickly.
If your Hard Drive is the problem, we will do our very best to recover your files, put them on a different Hard Drive, and put that drive back in your machine. It may be the case that your Hard Drive is failing or too corrupt, and we are unable to recover your files. This happens sometimes, and is a good example of why it is smart to keep your important files backed up on your S-drive or T-drive.

Other Issues

If you are having troubles printing (can't connect to the printer, or it won't print for some unknown reason) please reboot both the computer and the printer. If this does not work, or if there is a paper jam or a different issue, please contact the Technology Resource Center Helpdesk. For any questions on printing in the computer labs, please check out our Labs / Printing page.

If you have Software issues (Microsoft Office programs, Firefox, Adobe Creative Suite, Maple 14, etc...) please contact the TRC Helpdesk for troubleshooting assistance.

Please also check out our Software Discounts for Home Use page. 

For more information on other services for Faculty and Staff members, please follow the links under the Faculty / Staff Assistance tab (left side of page) or contact the TRC Helpdesk.


To access the other pages under the Faculty & Staff Assistance tab, click on the links below


Last Modified: 4/10/24 2:22 PM | Website Feedback