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All Student Advising Day Information

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Posted from Tuesday, March 04, 2025 through Wednesday, March 26, 2025

All Student Advising Day will be taking place on Thursday, March 20, 2025. Classes that take place prior to 5pm are canceled to allow students to meet with their academic advisors. Please note that some students may be able to meet with their academic advisor prior to March 20.

All currently enrolled students are required to meet with their academic advisor to receive their access code; without their access code, they cannot register for fall courses.

Registration will open at 10am on March 21 for students who have earned 90+ credits and have high priority registration; students with 60+ credits and priority registration will be able to register beginning at 10am on March 24; students with 30+ credits will be able to register beginning at 10am on March 25; students with 0+ earned credits will be able to register beginning at 10am on March 26. All registration windows are open as of 10am on March 26.

For more information on how each academic department is arranging student academic advising appointments, please see below.

Agriculture, Culinology and Hospitality Management

Agribusiness Management, Ag Solutions, BAS in Agriculture

Dr. Toland – will use email to send an electronic software sign-up tool for students to schedule their advising appointments. Virtual advising (Zoom) and face-to-face advising (ST101B) will take place between 8:30 p.m. and 4:50 p.m. on March 20th.

Dr. Steve Davis – will reach out via email to schedule a Zoom.



Dr. Adam Alford – will use email to send an electronic software sign-up tool for students to sign up for virtual advising appointments using Zoom between 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on March 20th.

Agricultural Education, Ag Communication & Leadership

Dr. Kristin Kovar – will use Bookings to help students sign up for advising appointments. Virtual advising (Zoom) and face-to-face advising (ST159) will take place on March 20th.


Culinology & Hospitality Management

Dr. Joyce Hwang – will reach out via email to schedule a Zoom or face-to-face meeting with advisees.

Dr. Soma Mukherjee – will reach out via email to schedule a Zoom or face-to-face meeting with advisees.

Dr. Yumi Lim – will reach out via email to schedule a Zoom or face-to-face meeting with advisees.



Business Innovation and Strategy

Accounting – Advisors will notify students on how to sign up for an advising time.

Finance – Advisors will notify students on how to sign up for an advising time.

Pre-Business – Advisors will notify students on how to sign up for an advising time.

Management – Advisors will notify students on how to sign up for an advising time.

Marketing – Advisors will notify students on how to sign up for an advising time.



Stephanie DeVos – will reach out via email and through a D2L announcement asking students to schedule an advising appointment with Bookings Link beginning March 1st.

Education - The School of Education will be offering both in-person and online advising – via Zoom or Teams and written (email) communication. Faculty will email their advisees directly regarding scheduling sessions; most will sign up via shared doc or Microsoft Bookings.

*Teacher candidates/students should have a proposed schedule, Graduation Plan, and access to the DARS for the advising session.


English, Philosophy, Spanish and Humanities

English with Creative Writing or Literature– students should email the academic advisor to set up a Zoom meeting for March 20th.

Communication/English/Speech Education or Pre-Communication/English/Speech Education– students should email the academic advisor to set up a Zoom meeting for March 20th.

Philosophy – students should email the academic advisor to set up a Zoom meeting for March 20th.

Professional Writing & Communication– advisors will contact students to set up Zoom meetings for March 20th


Mathematics and Computer Science

Students MUST make arrangements to meet with their academic advisor either in person or via Zoom for an individual advising session.



Students MUST make arrangements to meet with their academic advisor either in person or via Zoom for an individual advising session.


Fine Arts and Communications

Art – Advisors will reach out via email to schedule either in-person or Zoom meetings with advisees.

Communication Studies – Advisors will be reaching out to advisees with information about setting up Zoom or in-person appointments prior to advising day.  If students have questions, they can email a faculty member in the program.

MusicDr. Ginocchio - will post a sign-up sheet on his office door (FA 124) to schedule meetings with advisees either in-person or over Zoom (student choice).

Music – Dr. Kingsbury - will reach out via email to schedule a Zoom meeting with advisees.

Music – Dr. Rieppel - will reach out via email to schedule a Zoom meeting with advisees.

Theatre – Advisors will reach out via email to schedule an appointment either via Zoom or in person.


Social Science

History – Advisors will email students to set up appointment times either in person or on Zoom.

Justice Administration – The Justice Administration professors will advise students as a group, which means that general information regarding courses and processes will be given to all. After that, general information students will work on their own, yet professors are available to answer questions. Students can come anytime between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., as we are flexible. Advising will be in CH104. First-year students come from 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Second & Third-year students come from 10:30-11:30 a.m.. Fourth-year students (and beyond) come any time before 12 p.m.

Political Science – Sign up on the schedule outside CH107B. Advising will be in CH108 from 10:30-3:00.

Psychology – Advisors will contact advisees and set up individual meeting times.

Sociology – Advisors will email students to set up appointment times either in person or on Zoom.

Social Work – Social Work students will be receiving an email about advising from their advisor. Students need to schedule an individual meeting with their advisor to receive their access code.


Undeclared & Liberal Arts

Kaitlyn Giles – will email students to set up in-person, phone, or Teams meetings using Bookings starting March 3rd.

Pam Gladis – Advisor’s office, BA512; will email her advisees & help them schedule their appointments via email.

Mara Wiggins – Advisor’s office, BA537; will email her advisees and help them to schedule appointments via email.

Dr. Pat Brace – Advisor’s office, BA146; will email her advisees and help them to schedule appointments via email.


Mustang Pathway & AOS Students

Jeet Sausen - will email students to set up in-person appointments using Bookings starting February 28.  All appointments will be in Commons East.

Michele Knife Sterner - will email students to set up in-person appointments. All appointments will be in Commons East.