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504 and IEP Resource

SMSU does provide services for students with disabilities and IEPs at the high school.  However, accommodations may vary from what is available at the high school, as we will not provide accommodations in the IEP that are considered a fundamental alteration at the college or university level.

At the university level, a 504 plan or IEP are tools to assist Accessibility Services and students in determining reasonable and appropriate accommodations. If a student taking a College Now course in their high school would like consideration of accommodations from their plan, the SMSU College Now Office will need to receive the following:

  • a completed 504 or IEP form
  • written documentation of the disability (a copy of the 504 or IEP plan)
  • a letter from the diagnostician as to what assessments were done to come to the conclusion that this individual has a disability and what major life activity is substantially limited.  This documentation must be less than three years old.
    • The following templated forms can be used by the professional you are working with for obtaining the appropriate documentation. Please verify this information’s completion by the professional (e.g. clinic fax sheet, physician stamp or cover letter):


Our Accessibility Office has put together this HS vs College Resource Guide to help demonstrate the differences between what students can expect in their College Now courses versus what they are used to in their high school setting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the College Now Office regarding this process.

Jessica Mensink - Director of College Now


Last Modified: 6/9/24 11:33 PM | Website Feedback