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Legislative Updates

Here are two bills regarding concurrent enrollment that are under review by the House and Senate.  Additional information regarding these bills should be available mid-June.

HF 890 - House K-12 Omnibus Bill

Defines “Concurrent Enrollment”. (Section 19)

Statewide Concurrent Enrollment Teacher Training Program: Expands the pilot program enacted last year to a voluntary statewide partnership program to fund teacher course development to meet the Higher learning Commission requirement that concurrent enrollment teachers possess or obtain 18 graduate credits in licensure area. $4M in FY18; $4M in FY19 (Section 15)

SF718 - Senate K-12 Omnibus Bill

Defines “Concurrent Enrollment” (Section 18)

High Schools and postsecondary institutions are encouraged to provide an “Introduction to Teaching” or “Introduction to Education” course. (Section 21)

Directs the Board of Teaching to issue endorsements for dual enrollment instruction to High School teachers who meet the HLC guidelines for concurrent enrollment instruction. (Section 1)

Last Modified: 6/7/22 1:40 PM | Website Feedback