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Research and Field Experiences

Strong research skills are essential for all scientists. SMSU Biology majors have the opportunity to develop research skills via:

  • Course-based Research
  • Mayo Clinic and SMSU Summer Research Program
  • Off-campus Field Research
  • Directed Research with Faculty
  • Internships


students in field[During a graduate school interview]…….

"I explained what all of the experiences within the program entailed…. He was surprised that such a small university would require that of their undergrads……After that, I took a deep breath and realized that I could do this!" Jenna Carlson, Class 2013.


Course-Based Research

The Biology Program integrates embedded research experiences throughout the four-year core curriculum so that all students develop a strong base in scientific research. These experiences are more than just conducting experiments, but also about developing the written and oral communication skills necessary to communicate research findings.

[Student comment on an ecology course evaluation]…

“I learned that research takes time and patience and you have to be open to failures. In-class research made me realize that I enjoy research and that graduate school is an option for me.”


The Biology Program Core curriculum: Why we do what we do!

An explanation of some core courses
1st year

Biol 200 and Biol 201 is a year-long introductory sequence emphasizing the basic concepts of biology. Lab experiences focus on basic hypothesis development, experimental design, and data analysis at the introductory level.

2nd year

Biol 287: Sophomore seminar teaches students how to properly search scientific databases, read, analyze, and evaluate scientific literature; skills necessary as students begin the research process.

Biol 302 Lab provides students with their first experience at independent research. Student groups must use scientific literature to create a research proposal and properly design a month long experiment. Student must conduct the experiment, analyze data, and write a report in article format. Students must also create a poster presentation of the experiment that is presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference.

3rd year

Biol 311 Lab provides students with a more advance research experience. Student groups must use scientific literature to create a research proposal for a semester long experiment. Student must conduct the experiment, analyze data, and write a report in article format. Students orally present their work at the Undergraduate Research Conference.

Biol 487: During Senior Seminar, students conduct an extensive literature review of a topic of their choice; not only summarizing but evaluating the research on their topic. Students present their findings in both oral and written formats.



Mayo Clinic and SMSU Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Mayo Clinic and SMSU have a standing relationship where Mayo Clinic provides a 10-week biomedical research fellowship to up to two qualified SMSU undergraduate students Students participate in activities associated with Mayo Clinic’s office of Diversity Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program. They also present their work at Mayo Clinic’s summer research experience symposium and SMSU’s Undergraduate Research Conference.


Off-Campus Field Research

SMSU Biology students regularly gain hands-on research in the field. Locally, students may conduct research in state parks, wildlife management areas, or participate in training activities at a local zoo. Globally, students may travel with faculty to conduct research at international field stations and broaden their global perspectives

[Student comment from the 2023 Marine and Island Ecology in the Bahamas Global Studies Field Course:]...

"This study abroad experience has made me a better researcher and more connected to the world around me. I learned so much about another culture and about marine ecosystems. I feel more confident in planning and fulfilling a research project after this course, which is beneficial for my future journey as a researcher."


Directed Research with SMSU Faculty

Students also have the opportunity to conduct research with SMSU faculty, assisting faculty with on-going research interests. For example, over the summer, students can help Dr. Greenfield with microbiology-related research and testing for local industry. Students working with Dr. Anderson have conducted research on life history of winter-active insects.

Some of these endeavors have led to student presentations at international conferences and peer-reviewed publications in well-respected scientific journals.



Internships are a great way for SMSU students to gain real-world experience related to their career of interest. Internships allow students to develop research, teamwork, critical-thinking, accountability, and organizational skills. Internships are also a great way to network with professionals in the field, and can give students a “foot in the door” in terms of seeking employment or further schooling. Past SMSU students have held internships with local healthcare facilities, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Natural Resource Conservation Services, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, and more.

Biology majors can complete internships for academic credit. Students wishing to receive credit should first review the program’s Guidelines for Student Interns, work with their internship supervisor to develop a Intern/Supervisor Contract and at the end of the internship period, request that their supervisor complete an Intern Evaluation.


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