Communication Studies Course Rotations
Course Number |
Course Name |
Term Offered |
110 |
Essentials of Speaking and Listening | Fall, Spring, Summer (as needed) |
112 | Multicamera Television Production | Fall |
114 | Essentials of Single Camera Field Production | Spring |
161 | Communication Activities: Forensics | Fall, Spring |
162 | Broadcast and Digital Media Activities | Fall, Spring |
200 | Small Group Communication | Fall |
210 | Introduction to Public Relations | Fall |
220 | Storytelling in Modern Communication | Fall |
228 | Diversity through Family Storytelling | As needed |
230 | Interpersonal and Cross Cultural Communication | Spring |
232 | The Art of Making Films | As needed |
260 |
Media Writing |
Spring |
286 | Special Topics in Speech Communication | As needed |
288 | Communication Studies Seminar | Fall of odd numbered years |
301 | Risk and Crisis Communication | Spring of odd numbered years |
305 | Principles of Health Communication | Fall of even numbered years |
310 | Persuasion | Spring |
320 | Graphics for Television, Film and New Media | Spring |
330 | Mass Media and Society | Fall |
340 | Documentary Production | Fall |
345 | Sports Broadcasting | Fall |
350 | Narrative Filmmaking | Spring |
356 | Argumentation and Debate | Fall of even numbered years |
360 | Organizational Communication | Spring of even numbered years |
362 | Broadcasting and Digital Media Activities II | Fall, Spring |
403 | Professional Presentations | Spring of odd numbered years |
410 | Communication Analysis | Fall of odd numbered years |
435 | Media Production for Learning and Training | Summer |
450 | Secondary Teaching Methods: Speech Communication | Spring of odd numbered years |
455 | Public Relations Cases and Campaigns | Spring of even numbered years |
460 | Transmedia Storytelling | As needed |
480 | Creative Workshop in Media Production | Spring |
486 | Advanced Special Topics in Communication | As needed |
494 | Independent Study in Communication Theory | Fall, Spring |
499 | Internship in Communication Studies | Fall, Spring, Summer |
503 | Professional Presentations | Spring of odd numbered years |
535 | Media Production for Learning and Training | Summer |
589 | Special Topics in Communication Studies | As needed |
594 | Independent Study in Communication Theory | As needed |
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