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Communication Studies Course Rotations

This is a table listing course numbers, course titles, and the term each is offered in a rotation.

Course Number

Course Name

Term Offered


 Essentials of Speaking and Listening  Fall, Spring, Summer (as needed)
 112  Multicamera Television Production  Fall
114 Essentials of Single Camera Field Production Spring
 161  Communication Activities:  Forensics  Fall, Spring
 162  Broadcast and Digital Media Activities  Fall, Spring
 200  Small Group Communication  Fall
 210  Introduction to Public Relations  Fall
 220  Storytelling in Modern Communication  Fall
228 Diversity through Family Storytelling As needed
 230  Interpersonal and Cross Cultural Communication  Spring
 232  The Art of Making Films  As needed

 Media Writing

 286  Special Topics in Speech Communication  As needed
 288  Communication Studies Seminar Fall of odd numbered years
 301  Risk and Crisis Communication  Spring of odd numbered years
 305  Principles of Health Communication  Fall of even numbered years
 310  Persuasion  Spring
 320  Graphics for Television, Film and New Media  Spring
 330  Mass Media and Society  Fall
 340  Documentary Production  Fall
 345  Sports Broadcasting  Fall
 350   Narrative Filmmaking  Spring
 356  Argumentation and Debate  Fall of even numbered years
 360  Organizational Communication  Spring of even numbered years
 362  Broadcasting and Digital Media Activities II  Fall, Spring
 403 Professional Presentations Spring of odd numbered years
 410  Communication Analysis  Fall of odd numbered years
 435  Media Production for Learning and Training  Summer
 450  Secondary Teaching Methods:  Speech Communication  Spring of odd numbered years
 455  Public Relations Cases and Campaigns  Spring of even numbered years
 460  Transmedia Storytelling  As needed
 480  Creative Workshop in Media Production  Spring
 486  Advanced Special Topics in Communication  As needed
 494  Independent Study in Communication Theory  Fall, Spring
 499  Internship in Communication Studies  Fall, Spring, Summer
503 Professional Presentations Spring of odd numbered years
535 Media Production for Learning and Training Summer
589 Special Topics in Communication Studies As needed
594 Independent Study in Communication Theory As needed

Last Modified: 8/9/22 10:54 AM | Website Feedback