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Teacher Licensure-Only

Available for candidates seeking an initial or additional teaching license:

Early Childhood Education (Undergraduate)

Early Childhood Special Education (Undergraduate or Graduate)

K-6 Elementary Education (Undergraduate)

K-12 Special Education - Academic and Behavioral Strategist (Undergraduate or Graduate)

K-12 Teaching English as a Second Language (Undergraduate or Graduate)

Available for candidates who already hold a MN Tier 3 or 4 Professional license:

Special Education: Autism Spectrum Disorder - ASD (Graduate)

Special Education: Developmental Disorders - DD (Graduate - Only available to candidates who hold an ABS license.)

Special Education: Emotional Behavioral Disorders -EBD (Graduate)

Special Education: Learning Disabilities - LD/SLD (Graduate)

K-12 Teachers of Reading (Graduate)

Available for candidates seeking an initial or additional teaching license:

5-12 Agricultural Education (Undergraduate)

K-12 Art Education (Undergraduate)

9-12 Biology Education(Undergraduate)

9-12 Chemistry Education (Undergraduate)

5-12 Communication Arts & Literature (Undergraduate)

Early Childhood Education (Undergraduate)

Early Childhood Special Education (Undergraduate)

K-6 Elementary Education (Undergraduate)

5-8 General Science (Undergraduate)

5-12 Health Education (Undergraduate)

5-12 Mathematics Education (Undergraduate)

K-12 Music Education - Instrumental &/or Vocal (Undergraduate)

K-12 Physical Education with optional K-12 Developmentally Adapted Physical Education (DAPE) (Undergraduate)

5-12 Social Studies (Undergraduate)

K-12 Special Education: Academic Behavioral Strategist - ABS (Undergraduate)

Licensure Endorsements Added to K-6 Elementary Education (Undergraduate):

          Age 3-5 Pre-Primary, K-8 World Language & Culture: Spanish, Grades 5-8 Communication Arts &           

          Literature, Grades 5-8 Mathematics, Grades 5-8 Social Studies

Last Modified: 3/7/25 12:46 PM | Website Feedback