SMSU Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Southwest Minnesota State University Mission Statement
Southwest Minnesota State University prepares students to meet the complex challenges of this century as engaged citizens in their local and global communities. Our comprehensive degree programs, taught in the liberal arts tradition, are dedicated to connecting students' academic and practical professional development experiences in southwestern Minnesota to the wider world.
SMSU Vision and Values:
SMSU aspires to be recognized throughout Minnesota and beyond for being an inclusive and student-centered university. We value:
- Discovery through innovative teaching, research and other high-impact experiences.
- Civic engagement and strategic partnerships.
- Developing broadly educated and well-rounded leaders.
SMSU Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan articulates six strategic priorities that will guide the University in pursuit of its Mission, Vision, and Values. As a first priority, and in all of its actions, SMSU will make central equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Strategic Plan is driven by this overarching commitment and by a consistent focus on student success and engagement.
Strategic Priorities
Affirm and support diversity, equity, and inclusion. Increase campus diversity, ensure inclusive learning, social, working, and living environments, and eliminate equity gaps.
Inspire academic success and discovery through innovative teaching, research, student support services, and other high-impact experiences. Foster high-quality teaching and learning and a campus culture that encourages, celebrates, and promotes undergraduate and graduate student and faculty research and creative work.
Foster civic engagement and strategic partnerships. Develop deep, reciprocal, equitable, and sustained partnerships within our community and region that contribute to the public good, positively impact the environment, strengthen the local and regional economy, and enhance the education of our students.
Support student engagement and leadership development. Offer holistic support services and opportunities for student engagement that contribute to the development of well-rounded leaders.
Ensure Effective Institutional Operations and Community Well-being. Create a highly-supportive environment focused on the physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being of the University community.
Increase enrollment and improve retention. Create and maintain academic and student affairs partnerships to increase and retain enrollment.
Strategic Priority #1: Affirm and support diversity, equity, and inclusion. Increase campus diversity; ensure inclusive learning, social, working, and living environments; and eliminate equity gaps.
- Goal 1: Eliminate gaps in student success and access to educational opportunities.
- Objective 1.1: Implement Equity by Design initiative for course-level changes.
- Strategy 1.1.1: Approach Equity by Design with a growth mindset.
- Tactic Communicate to all campus constituencies that course-level equity work is a proactive and constructive process intended to ensure all students are learning and successful.
- Tactic Provide resources to inform and support growth and understanding. Resources may include structured professional development and training, both on and off campus.
- Strategy 1.1.2: Gather DFW data for key courses disaggregated by race/ethnicity. Look first at gateway courses and then at courses essential for progression within a given program. Review DFW data to identify existence of course-level “equity gaps.”
- Strategy 1.1.3: Share data regarding equity gaps with program faculty (and others, as deemed appropriate) and facilitate discussion (including, but not limited to, the program level) about how best to close such gaps. Identify and share successful course-level strategies already being implemented and/or shown by research to be best practices for closing equity gaps. These may include strategies applicable to any course and those that are discipline-specific. Identify additional, non-classroom strategies that have the potential to close equity gaps.
- Strategy 1.1.4: Assist faculty in gathering course-level data to determine where equity gaps appear.
- Tactic Create a dynamic data reporting tool to give faculty access to equity gap data at the subject, course, and section levels.
- Tactic Assist faculty in implementing Classroom Assessment Techniques to identify where equity gaps occur within a given course.
- Strategy 1.1.5: Be mindful of institutional capacity, including Institutional Research and faculty, to generate additional data and implement changes. Focus energy on responding to data provided, limiting additional requests whenever possible.
- Tactic Create a process to evaluate, prioritize, and submit data requests.
- Strategy 1.1.6: Annually assess progress toward closing equity gaps and adjust response as needed.
- Strategy 1.1.7: Pursue fundraising to help close any identified equity gaps.
- Tactic When possible, enhance funding for priority programs that have demonstrated growth in numbers of participants or students.
- Strategy 1.1.1: Approach Equity by Design with a growth mindset.
- Objective 1.2: Support and strengthen current and new initiatives to enhance student success.
- Strategy 1.2.1: Support Access Opportunity Success program to serve traditionally underserved students.
- Strategy 1.2.2: Expand pilot Supplemental Instruction initiative with goal of serving twenty course sections each semester.
- Strategy 1.2.3: Support growth of Mustang Pathway program to serve on-ground and online students seeking full admission to SMSU.
- Tactic Fundraise to increase Mustang Pathway participation and to provide other diversity, equity, and inclusion scholarships.
- Strategy 1.2.4: Support current course redesign (IDST, LEP 101, Co-requisite Math).
- Strategy 1.2.5: Revise exit interview process, Student Perceptions Survey questions, and Senior Survey questions to improve quality of data obtained for student success, especially for Equity 2030 sub-groups.
- Tactic Develop a process to ensure these data are being reviewed.
- Tactic Investigate other ways to improve information collection from students leaving and graduating such as social media tracking and other novel approaches.
- Strategy 1.2.6: Strengthen support for Center for International Education
- Strategy 1.2.7: Ensure high quality English for Multilingual Speakers courses.
- Objective 1.1: Implement Equity by Design initiative for course-level changes.
- Goal 2: Integrate recommendations for strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion into the strategic plan to ensure they receive priority and ongoing attention.
- Objective 2.1: Review recommendations generated by the Equity 2030 group and the Diversity Committee for inclusion in the Strategic Plan.
- Objective 2.2: Investigate and implement, as appropriate, City of Marshall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.
- Strategy 2.2.1: Engage in discussions with Marshall Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission.
- Goal 3: Improve the campus climate related to diversity and inclusion.
- Objective 3.1: Develop faculty and staff leadership in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Objective 3.2: Engage in discussions for implementing budgeting using an equity lens.
- Objective 3.3: Hire a full-time Campus Diversity Officer.
- Strategy 3.3.1: Revise and repost position description.
- Strategy 3.3.2: Review proposed Campus Diversity Office budget to ensure that this position can sufficiently support Equity 2030 goals.
- Objective 3.4: Increase access to SMSU by identifying new opportunities to engage diverse prospective students and their families and welcome them as guests.
- Objective 3.5: Ensure SMSU’s commitment to diversity is highlighted in University functions.
- Strategy 3.5.1: Campus tours should include campus points of interest representing diversity (e.g. Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Museum of Indigenous Americans, LGBTQ+ Center, and Women’s Center).
- Objective 3.6: Campus functions should have diverse representation whenever possible (e.g. University committee appointments).
- Strategy 3.6.1: All search committees and other University-wide committees will be reviewed by Director of Human Resources and Campus Diversity Officer to verify that proper consideration was made to ensure diverse representation.
- Tactic Orient and inform bargaining unit leaders to be mindful of the need for diverse representation when recommending appointment of members for service.
- Strategy 3.6.1: All search committees and other University-wide committees will be reviewed by Director of Human Resources and Campus Diversity Officer to verify that proper consideration was made to ensure diverse representation.
- Objective 3.7: Ensure the campus is welcoming to, and inclusive of, international and domestic students.
Strategic Priority #2: Inspire academic success and discovery through innovative teaching, research, student support services, and other high-impact experiences. Foster high-quality teaching and learning and a campus culture that encourages, celebrates, and promotes undergraduate and graduate student and faculty research and creative work.
- Goal 1: Foster inclusive, high-quality teaching and learning.
- Objective 1.1: Recognize and value the contributions of all academic programs.
- Strategy 1.1.1: Serving the professional needs of the region;
- Strategy 1.1.2: Embracing the liberal arts tradition of SMSU;
- Strategy 1.1.3: Providing opportunities for experiential learning;
- Strategy 1.1.4: Recognizing the effect of any program creation or restructuring on the academic mission of the University.
- Objective 1.2: Ensure that culturally responsive pedagogy is broadly supported and effectively implemented.
- Strategy 1.2.1: Provide professional development opportunities in this area.
- Strategy 1.2.2: Integrate into program curriculum and program review.
- Strategy 1.2.3: Integrate into evidence of teaching effectiveness.
- Objective 1.3: Enhance assessment to impact campus and programmatic decision-making in support of teaching and learning.
- Strategy 1.3.1: Create broad participation across academic programs.
- Strategy 1.3.2: Make institutional commitment to fund assessment staffing.
- Strategy 1.3.3: Incorporate program responses to assessment results in annual reports and program self-studies.
- Objective 1.4: Provide professional development opportunities that support inclusive, high-quality teaching and learning.
- Strategy 1.4.1: Investigate the creation of an Institute for Teaching and Learning.
- Strategy 1.4.2: Intentionally use Professional Development Day to support inclusive, high-quality teaching and learning.
- Strategy 1.4.3: Incorporate ongoing professional development throughout the academic year.
- Strategy 1.4.4: Ensure that the topic of critical thinking across the curriculum is regularly offered in professional development opportunities.
- Objective 1.5: Expand support for study abroad and increase the use of other high-impact practices on campus.
- Objective 1.6: Foster inclusive, high-quality online teaching and learning.
- Strategy 1.6.1: Implement all components of the system-level Quality Improvement Process (QIP) for online learning.
- Tactic Complete QIP documentation and planning.
- Tactic Implement Campus Improvement Plan for online support.
- Strategy 1.6.2: Support the Center of Online Learning and Teaching.
- Tactic Implement QIP recommendations for faculty development and support.
- Strategy 1.6.1: Implement all components of the system-level Quality Improvement Process (QIP) for online learning.
- Objective 1.1: Recognize and value the contributions of all academic programs.
- Goal 2: Grow and sustain quality on-campus and distance learning degrees/certificates and graduate education.
- Objective 2.1: Ensure the quality and integrity of teaching and learning in concurrent enrollment programs by incorporating College Now in program goals, objectives, student learning outcomes, annual reports, and 5-year self-study.
- Objective 2.2: Develop a process for proposing, considering, and deciding which academic initiatives will move forward.
- Objective 2.3: Ensure the same rigor and integrity of programs offered both on-campus and at a satellite location through assessment and program reviews.
- Strategy 2.3.1: Graduate programs/learning communities.
- Strategy 2.3.2: Concurrent Enrollment.
- Strategy 2.3.3: Programs offered at community colleges.
- Objective 2.4: Increase access to academic support services for online, distance education, and concurrent enrollment students.
- Strategy 2.4.1: Increase variety of times campus support offices are open.
- Goal 3: Increase student regional/national presentation and publication of research and creative works.
- Objective 3.1: Increase funding for student participation at conferences and events.
- Objective 3.2: Recalibrate the SMSU Mentorship Program to include more student researchers.
- Objective 3.3: Create incentives and structures to encourage regional and national presentation and publication of faculty scholarship.
- Strategy 3.3.1: Investigate faculty supports for the work of supervising student research at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
- Strategy 3.3.2: Increase professional development opportunities for research and creative work.
- Strategy 3.3.3: Create research computing stations distributed across campus that include specialized software deemed necessary to support research.
- Tactic Evaluate feasibility and utility of including the full-capacity SPSS, Endnote, and a publication-quality graphing software such as Sigma Plot.
- Objective 3.4: Support the various forms research and creative work may take.
- Objective 3.5: Ensure faculty and student research and creative works are broadly publicized.
- Strategy 3.5.1: Create a Mustang Ovation Committee to promote and celebrate faculty and student research and creative works across the year in addition to the Mustang Ovation Celebration.
- Strategy 3.5.2: Expand Communications and Marketing office capacity to increase publicity.
- Goal 4: Encourage and support campus and inter-institutional scholarly and creative collaborations.
- Objective 4.1: Complete an inventory of current collaborations between SMSU and other institutions.
- Strategy 4.1.1: Inventory grants.
- Strategy 4.1.2: Inventory research collaborations.
- Objective 4.2: Seek appropriate collaborations that contribute to student research opportunities.
- Objective 4.3: Increase support for internal and external grant opportunities.
- Objective 4.1: Complete an inventory of current collaborations between SMSU and other institutions.
Strategic Priority #3: Foster civic engagement and strategic partnerships. Develop deep, reciprocal, equitable, and sustained partnerships within our community and region that contribute to the public good, positively impact the environment, strengthen the local and regional economy, and enhance the education of our students.
- Goal 1: Establish long-term partnerships with area, regional, and other employers to provide applied learning opportunities for SMSU students.
- Objective 1.1: Ensure equitable access to applied learning opportunities.
- Strategy 1.1.1: Identify and establish funding to bridge resource gaps for students otherwise unable to pursue a given applied learning opportunity.
- Strategy 1.1.2: Foster and support applied learning opportunities within online programs.
- Strategy 1.1.3: Identify and establish applied learning opportunities from institutions that have a diverse leadership and workforce.
- Objective 1.2: With each campus-community partnership created, maximize opportunities in a variety of areas, including internships, service learning, volunteer service, community-based research, and cooperative learning.
- Objective 1.3: Build long-term relationships with external partners.
- Strategy 1.3.1: Establish a cohesive approach to external partnerships.
- Tactic Communicate internally to ensure all relevant campus offices are aware of existing external partners.
- Tactic Publicize partnership activities and results via journal/newsletter communications.
- Strategy 1.3.2: Thank external partners on a regular basis.
- Strategy 1.3.3: Host annual civic engagement event, similar to Undergraduate Research Conference, to feature student work, engage with partners, promote opportunities, recognize outstanding contributions, and call attention to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Strategy 1.3.1: Establish a cohesive approach to external partnerships.
- Objective 1.4: Foster campus conversation and understanding regarding the social impact of community engagement.
- Strategy 1.4.1: Develop a shared language to describe community engagement and its relationship to issues of social justice.
- Strategy 1.4.2: Understand and articulate the alignment between campus-based community engagement strategies and their impact on social change.
- Tactic Inform this work with understanding of the Campus Compact Social Change Wheel 2.0 Toolkit.
- Objective 1.1: Ensure equitable access to applied learning opportunities.
- Goal 2: Identify and promote opportunities for students and the campus community to engage in social, entertainment, and service activities in the city of Marshall and surrounding area. Include opportunities for fully online and non-traditional students
- Objective 2.1: Host community events on campus to build connections with area Chamber of Commerce.
- Objective 2.2: Enhance communication to ensure awareness of events and engagement opportunities.
- Objective 2.3: Increase student awareness of, and familiarity with, area businesses and services.
- Objective 2.4: Foster conversation between SMSU and Marshall Area partners regarding opportunities to engage with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Goal 3: Cultivate and build mutually beneficial relationships between potential donors and the University that reflect shared values and align financial support with educational priorities.
- Objective 3.1: Develop and enhance partnerships to advance priorities of the comprehensive campaign—“Run Together, Imagine the Impact.”
- Objective 3.2: Invite SMSU supporters to annual partnership showcase events and communicate with them about ongoing results of student-partner collaborations.
- Objective 3.3: Seek input from SMSU supporters regarding new partnership opportunities for all students as well as unique opportunities for online and non-traditional students.
- Objective 3.4: Foster conversation with SMSU Foundation regarding opportunities to engage with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Objective 3.5: Investigate partnership with YMCA to seek wellness grants and student internships.
Strategic Priority #4: Support student engagement and leadership development. Offer holistic support services and opportunities for student engagement that contribute to the development of well-rounded leaders.
- Goal 1: Provide an array of services to meet the diverse needs of students and strengthen the success of students of color, first generation students, and Pell-eligible students.
- Objective 1.1: Address health and wellness needs by providing effective services in each area identified.
- Strategy 1.1.1: Health Services
- Strategy 1.1.2: LGBTQ+ Center
- Strategy 1.1.3: Women’s Center
- Strategy 1.1.4: New Horizons Crisis Center
- Strategy 1.1.5: SMSU Childcare Center
- Tactic Consideration of students’ childcare needs
- Strategy 1.1.6: Accessibility Services
- Strategy 1.1.7: Mental Health Counseling Center
- Tactic Fresh Check Day
- Strategy 1.1.8: Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Objective 1.2: Address financial and institutional support needs by providing effective services in each area identified.
- Strategy 1.2.1: Veteran’s Resources
- Strategy 1.2.2: Registration and Records
- Strategy 1.2.3: Financial Aid
- Tactic Ensure students of color, first generation students, and Pell-eligible students have equal access to work study and regular payroll opportunities.
- Strategy 1.2.4: IT/Technology Resource Center
- Tactic Increase access to technology (e.g. laptops) for students of color, first generation, and Pell-eligible students.
- Strategy 1.2.5: MAT Bus
- Strategy 1.2.6: Dining Services
- Strategy 1.2.7: Professional Dress Clothing Closet
- Strategy 1.2.8: Career Services
- Objective 1.1: Address health and wellness needs by providing effective services in each area identified.
- Goal 2: Identify, support, and strengthen campus opportunities designed to foster student engagement with a focus given to students of color, first generation, and Pell-eligible students.
- Objective 2.1: Residence Hall Programming
- Objective 2.2: Center for Civic and Community Engagement
- Strategy 2.2.1: Mustang Market
- Objective 2.3: Intramurals
- Objective 2.4: Center for International Education
- Objective 2.5: Student Activities
- Strategy 2.5.1: Program activities in a manner that increases weekend events.
- Strategy 2.5.2: Increase opportunities for activities to include greater numbers of online and non-traditional students.
- Objective 2.6: Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Objective 2.7: Publicize student engagement opportunities and activities by maintaining an updated, comprehensive, and accessible activities calendar
- Objective 2.8: Investigate use of SMSU Mentorship Program or other mechanisms to implement peer mentor positions in the First Year Seminar: Discover, Engage, Lead course sections.
- Objective 2.9: Increase scope of Mustang Mentorship Program to include online and extended learning students and widen the geographical locations of alumni involved.
- Goal 3: Develop, support, and promote opportunities designed to develop student leadership.
- Objective 3.1: Student Clubs and Organizations
- Strategy 3.1.1: Decisions regarding space allocation for clubs and organizations should be made equitably with an eye towards inclusion and access.
- Strategy 3.1.2: Consistent with Quality Improvement Process recommendations, consider opportunities for online students to participate in clubs and organizations.
- Objective 3.2: Student Government
- Objective 3.3: Residence Life
- Strategy 3.3.1: Resident Assistant
- Strategy 3.3.2: Living Learning Program Assistants
- Objective 3.4: Intercollegiate Athletics
- Objective 3.5: Admissions
- Strategy 3.5.1: Student Ambassadors
- Strategy 3.5.2: Orientation Leaders
- Objective 3.6: Public Safety
- Strategy 3.6.1: Student Safety Officers
- Objective 3.7: Student Mentoring
- Strategy 3.7.1: Global Ambassadors
- Strategy 3.7.2: Summer Bridge Mentors
- Strategy 3.7.3: Mustang Pathway Mentors
- Strategy 3.7.4: Student tutors across campus including Library Research Assistants, Writing Center, Math Learning Center, Speech Center, and discipline-specific content tutors.
- Strategy 3.7.5: Student success grant mentors
- Strategy 3.7.6: LEP 101
- Objective 3.8: Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Objective 3.1: Student Clubs and Organizations
Strategic Priority #5: Ensure Effective Institutional Operations and Community Well-being. Create a highly-supportive environment focused on the physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being of the University community.
- Goal 1: Provide a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for students, staff, and faculty.
- Objective 1.1: Engage in planning and action to ensure the safety and security of the SMSU campus.
- Objective 1.2: Provide ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training.
- Objective 1.3: Provide ongoing training to eliminate sexual assault, bullying, and other behaviors that undermine a respectful workplace.
- Objective 1.4: Review employee exit interview process and develop exit interview questions for faculty and staff who identify as a Person of Color or self-identify as a member of a marginalized group, to strengthen our ability to support and maintain a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment for all employees.
- Objective 1.5: Develop and implement a plan to attract and retain employees of color and from underrepresented groups, including fixed-term and emergency hires.
- Objective 1.6: If appropriate and tied to a specific initiative, investigate re-design of some campus spaces.
- Goal 2: Provide an innovative and accessible technological environment that supports University community success.
- Objective 2.1: Provide resources and training to support active learning (e.g. classrooms and professional development).
- Objective 2.2: Improve technology to support hybrid learning environments (hy-flex, asynchronous).
- Objective 2.3: Enhance programming available through the Center of Online Teaching and Learning and review staffing needs.
- Objective 2.4: Increase and enhance physical and virtual collaboration spaces.
- Objective 2.5: Increase accessibility of curriculum for all learners (captioning, screen readers, ADA, location/site, communication channels, course design and delivery).
- Objective 2.6: If appropriate and tied to a specific initiative, investigate a move to become a “laptop campus.”
- Objective 2.7: Evaluate the feasibility and utility of investing in software to enhance resume and interview skills.
- Strategy 2.7.1: Investigate the use of Quinncia and implement if deemed suitable.
- Goal 3: Emphasize the creation of an environment that supports inclusive lifelong learning processes across the University community.
- Objective 3.1: Provide professional development for faculty staff.
- Objective 3.2: Promote through student events and programs (Undergraduate Research Conference, career planning).
- Objective 3.3: Research incentives such as certificate programs, badges, or other.
- Objective 3.4: Develop robust onboarding policies and practices.
- Strategy 3.4.1: Identify employee resource groups to assist new hires.
- Objective 3.5: Identify and develop learning pathways (Career, Academic, Mustang and GOLD College).
- Goal 4: Promote student, faculty, and staff physical and psychological well-being and engagement.
- Objective 4.1: Strengthen and support health and wellness programming and facilities enhancement.
- Strategy 4.1.1: Reconstitute the SMSU Wellness Workgroup and elevate it to a University Committee.
- Strategy 4.1.2: Increase frequency of wellness information dissemination including EAP, wellness programming, and events.
- Objective 4.2: Promote participation in Employee Assistance Programs.
- Objective 4.3: Conduct University climate and wellness surveys, to include focus groups.
- Objective 4.4: Increase access to counseling support services for online, distance education, and concurrent enrollment students.
- Strategy 4.4.1: Investigate App-based supplements to support student psychological well-being (e.g. Talkspace, headspace, Calm, Moodmission, Youper, and Well-track).
- Objective 4.1: Strengthen and support health and wellness programming and facilities enhancement.
- Goal 5: Develop, implement and routinely review mechanisms and controls that support broad-based administrative and financial management planning.
- Objective 5.1: Make best use of physical and financial resources that support the University’s mission.
- Objective 5.2: Provide for sustainability.
- Objective 5.3: Allocate resources to support equity and inclusion.
- Objective 5.4: Ensure proper committee infrastructure representative of the University community.
- Objective 5.5: Conduct regular review of campus policies to ensure equitability of a given policy.
- Objective 5.6: Provide training and other development opportunities to enhance the skills and abilities of faculty and staff in leadership positions.
Strategic Priority #6: Increase enrollment and improve retention. Create and maintain academic and student affairs partnerships to increase and retain enrollment.
- Goal 1: Develop and strengthen joint ventures with two-year colleges to provide students with desirable degree-completion opportunities.
- Objective 1.1: Prioritize institutions within the Minnesota State system.
- Objective 1.2: Reach out to institutions within regional states.
- Objective 1.3: Reach out to international institutions.
- Goal 2: Appropriate resources for maintaining and strengthening both graduate and undergraduate academic partnerships to enhance enrollment.
- Objective 2.1: Establish an advising group for Online Learning and Transfer Pathways programs to enhance access for diverse groups.
- Objective 2.2: Consider establishing an Extended Learning advisory group to support current and new program offerings.
- Goal 3: Assess effectiveness of academic partnerships to improve enrollment management initiatives (such as recruitment, retention, persistence rate, graduation rate) for both graduate and undergraduate programs.
- Objective 3.1: Clarify roles of those involved in initiatives (e.g. Deeann Griebel Student Success Center vs advisors vs Access Opportunity Success/Online Learning).
- Goal 4: Support and enhance current and new initiatives designed to increase student access, success, and retention.
- Objective 4.1: Support and enhance established programs.
- Strategy 4.1.1: Peer tutoring provided by Deeann Griebel Student Success Center, Writing Center, Math Learning Center, and Speech Center.
- Strategy 4.1.2: Deeann Griebel Student Success Center interventions for students who struggle (Early Alert, last date of attendance grades, satisfactory academic progress, and provisional admits).
- Strategy 4.1.3: Implement and support SUCCESS grant initiative to provide coaching and peer mentoring for underserved students.
- Strategy 4.1.4: Utilize enhanced funding for Student Success Center to help meet Equity 2030 goals.
- Strategy 4.1.5: Implement Quality Improvement Process recommendations for enhancing support services for online students.
- Objective 4.2: Identify a retention data team to guide collection and tracking of equity-gap data.
- Objective 4.3: Increase access to SMSU through strategic partnerships with underrepresented and underserved populations (e.g. Adult Basic Education).
- Objective 4.4: Investigate if new and current graduate programs could have dedicated seats for SMSU undergraduate students to serve as feeder programs (e.g. Athletic Training, Strength and Conditioning, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Accelerated Nursing B.S.N., other Education and Business programs).
- Objective 4.5: Investigate the feasibility of a dual enrollment partnership with Minnesota West to allow registered SMSU students to complete the R.N. program while maintaining SMSU status.
- Objective 4.1: Support and enhance established programs.
Last Modified: 3/15/24 10:46 AM | Website Feedback