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HTML Tag Guide

This is a resource page for content editors to see what common HTML tags they may see while editing their content.

Please contact Web Office if you see any issues or errors.

The majority of HTML tags must have two parts:

  1. an opening tag (ie. <p>)
  2. a closing tag (ie. </p>)

For example, <p> is the opening tag and </p> is the closing tag. Note that the closing tag has the same text as the opening tag, but has an additional forward-slash ( / ) character.

Some tags are an exception to this, meaning a closing tag isn't required. The <img> tag is just one example.
( ie. The whole image tag can be written as: <img src="link to image file" /> )

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Common HTML Tags
Tag Description
<h1>heading</h1> There are 6 levels of headings. The number can be 1 thru 6.
<p>paragraph</p> Contain/Surround paragraph text.
<b>bold</b> or <strong>bold</strong> Either of these tags will bold the containing text by default.
<i>italic</i> or <em>emphasis</em> Either of these tags will italicize the containing text by default.
<a href="url/to/file or page.extension">link name</a> Create a link to page or website


Division or container of content in a page.
<img src="link to image file.jpg" /> Used to show an image on a page
<li>list item</li>
<li>list item</li>
Creates an unordered list (ul) with multiple list items (li).
<br /> Creates a line break in content.
<span>text</span> Used to add special styling to the text contained within these tags.

Format Text

Tags to format text
Tag Description
<h1> text </h1> There are 6 levels of headings. The number can be 1 thru 6.
<b> text </b> Bold Text
<i> text </i> Italic Text
<u> text </u> Underline Text
<strike> text </strike> Strikeout
<sup> text </sup> Superscript - Smaller text located below normal text
<sub> text </sub> Subscript - Smaller text located below normal text
<small> text </small> Small - smaller size text than the default size
<tt> text </tt> Typewriter Text
<pre> text </pre> Pre-formatted Text
<blockquote> text </blockquote> Text Block Quote (Has special styling)
<strong> text </strong> Strong - Shown as Bold in most browsers
<em> text </em> Emphasis - Shown as Italics in most browsers

Last Modified: 11/8/22 2:52 PM | Website Feedback