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Mustangs Vote Logo

Mustangs Vote is SMSU’s Voter Engagement Initiative. Mustangs Vote is housed in the Center for Civic & Community Engagement. It is supported by SMSU administration, faculty, staff, and students to encourage SMSU students to vote in local and national elections.

Upcoming Events

September 17: National Voter Registration Day Tabling (Find us in the Student Center)
September 20: MN Vote Early Begins
October 14-18: National Voter Education Week (SMSU Observed)
October 15: MN Secretary of State, Steve Simon, speaking event
October 29: Vote Early Day Tabling (Find us in the student center!)
November 4: MN Vote Early Ends
November 5: Election Day 

Find us tabling in the Student Center to get Mustangs Vote swag and encourage your classmates to vote! 


Jefferson Lee IV

Dean of Students & Student Affairs 

Melissa Scholten
Director-Career Services and Center of Civic & Community Engagement

Mustangs Vote

smsu choir in Austria with Dr. Kingsbury

Register to Vote 

Are you registered to vote? Note sure? Check your current registration status.

Register to Vote

smsu choir in Austria with Dr. Kingsbury

What's On My Ballot?

View your MN sample ballot, see who has filed to be a candidate, and find questions that will be on general election ballots.

View Ballot

smsu choir in Austria with Dr. Kingsbury

Where to Vote

Locate your polling station, request your absentee ballot, or vote early in person at your local election office.

More Information

Meet the Voter Education Fellows! 

Mary Newton

Mary Newton

Major: Political Science
Minors: Spanish and Pre-law

Why did you want to be a Student Election Engagement Fellow and assist with Mustangs Vote?
I feel inspired to help those who haven't registered to vote. The first time voting or voting from another state may be unfamiliar to a first-time voter. I want to help guide you through the process and exercise your rights. 


Ashton Ayres

Ashton Ayres

Program: MBA
Major: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (SMSU ‘23)
Minors: Philosophy and Public Administration

Why did you want to be a Student Election Engagement Fellow and assist with Mustangs Vote?
I want to help encourage advocacy and voting for those who are new or haven't engaged in elections and provide them resources to express themselves.

of eligible SMSU students voted in the 2020 election
of eligible SMSU students are registered to vote (2020)