Math Course Support
In addition to the tutors in the Math Help Center, there are many ways you can get help with a course you're taking:
Use your class time! Be active. Ask questions and try to answer the professor's questions, even if you're not always right. Show up early to review the last lesson or ask a question. Try to review your notes and get to work on homework as soon as possible after class before the memory drain begins.
Ask your professor! Professors post office hours and are happy to help with your questions. Faculty really do want you to succeed.
Phone a friend! Many students find working with a small study group helps keep them on-task and allows them to help each other. Look for someone with whom you can work well.
Check your book! Math books are generally organized on the text-example-exercise pattern. Most are pretty good at providing charts and highlighting important definitions. If you're having trouble with the exercises, check if an example shows you how to do the same thing. You don't have to read every word to use the book, but remember that there's a lot more than just exercises there for you! If you want help, ask a tutor or a friend to help you work with the book.
Try the machine! Search the Internet for examples or exercises. Check out software available in the computer labs. Sometimes viewing the topic in a slightly different presentation can make all the difference.
Last Modified: 7/19/22 10:53 AM | Website Feedback