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Mental Health Counseling Center

College is a time of change that can be very exciting as well as stressful and challenging. Stress, depression, anxiety, relationship concerns, loneliness, or other personal issues can affect students' well-being. SMSU Mental Health Counseling Center is staffed by mental health professionals who provide confidential, short-term counseling services.

Counseling is available and free to students who are currently enrolled at SMSU and who reside in the state of Minnesota at the time of counseling. Students do not have to be in crisis to access counseling services!

Online Mental Health Screenings:

Students are invited to take a free, anonymous online mental health screening. It is a good way to get some initial, basic information about how you are feeling. CCAPs Screenings

To Schedule an Appointment:

Bellows Academic 156
Southwest Minnesota State University
1501 State St
Marshall, MN 56258

In-Person or Virtual Options

Telephone: 507-537-7150
Fax: 507-537-7979

Mantra Health

Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-4:30pm

After Hours:

Western Mental Health Center Crisis Line: 800-658-2429
Avera Psychiatry: 507-337-2923
Text MN to 741741 (24 hours)
Text MNHELP to 898211 (24 hours)
Mantra Health Crisis Line: 888-354-2952
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 / 800-273-8255
Emergencies: 911

Mental Health Counseling Center Brochure

Last Modified: 11/14/24 10:44 AM | Website Feedback