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Minnesota Area Conducting Workshop

Choral & Instrumental Sessions

Southwest Minnesota State University
June 23 - 25, 2025

You can register for the workshop online here REGISTER

This workshop is offered Free of Charge to all Music Educators!

Application Deadline - May 30, 2025 

Graduate Seminar Credit will again be available.  

Contact Dr. Stephen Kingsbury for more information


All musicians know that learning to sing or play an instrument at an advanced level takes years of practice, assessment, and feedback.  This is no less true for conducting, but most university programs cannot offer more than two conducting classes for undergraduates. 

The purpose of the Minnesota Area Conducting Workshop is to provide Minnesota music educators with a forum in which they can practice their conducting skills, receive feedback from trained conductors, practice self-evaluation skills, discuss issues in music education, and network with other Minnesota music educators in a musical and supportive environment.

Choral Workshop Repertoire

To be announced in May

Instrumental Workshop Repertoire (2024)

Grade 1

  1. Electric Breakdance by Benjamin Dean Taylor
  2. Music for a Night Sky by Jorge L. Vargas
  3. Dark Star by Christina Huss

Grade 2

  1. Looking At the Stars by Travis Cross
  2. Jungle Dance by Brian Balmages
  3. Mischief, Magic, Mayhem by Erin Keeton-Howard

Grade 3

  1. Nonantum Bulgar by Hankus Netsky
  2. West Highlands Sojourn by Robert Sheldon
  3. An Irish Rhapsody by Clare Grundman

Grade 4

  1. The Witch and the Saint by Steven Reineke
  2. Diamond Tide by Viet Cuong


This is a picture of Dr. John Ginocchio, Director of Bands at SMSU and lead instrumental clincian for the workshop.

Dr. John Ginocchio

Professor of Music/Director of Bands
Southwest Minnesota State University

This is a picture of Dr. Stephen Kingsbury, the Director of Choral Activities at SMSU and the lead choral clinician for the workshop.

Dr .Stephen Kingsbury
Director of Choral Activities
Southwest Minnesota State University

Instrumental Co-clinician 

 This is a picture of Dr. Benjamin Druffel, Director of Bands at Minnesota State University in Moorhead, and the instrumental co-clinician for the 2025 workshop. 

Dr. Benjamin Druffel
Director of Bands
Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead, MN

Choral Co-clinician 

 a photograph of Dr. Tim Campbell

Dr. Elisabeth Cherland
Director of Choral Activities
Minnesota State University, Mankato

Contact Information

For more information on the Minnesota Area Conducting Workshop, contact:

Dr. John Ginocchio
(507) 537-7209
Dr. Stephen Kingsbury
(507) 537-7247

Last Modified: 2/11/25 7:08 PM | Website Feedback