Vice President for Finance and Administration

Deb Kerkaert
Vice President for Finance and Administration
SMSU Alumna, BS in Business Administration 1988 and MBA 2004
Employed at SMSU since 1990 and serving as Vice President for Finance and Administration since 2010.
Location: Founders Hall 215
Phone: 507-537-6093
Organizational Chart
Areas of Responsibility:
Chair of Space Committee:
Revenue Generating Structure for New Programs or Major Changes to or Expansion of Existing Programs:
As an aid to developing and analyzing the viability and appropriateness of new programs or major changes to or expansion of existing programs, guidelines have been addressed to assist faculty or staff in creating proposals. Please review the narrative guideline document for information that is required in the proposals and please complete the excel document to assist in determining the financial viability of the proposed program.. If the variables for the program may change after years one or two then the excel document may need to be completed more than once for the various scenarios. If assistance is needed please contact Deb Kerkaert at extension 6093.
Below is a document used for smaller programs and/or workshops proposals:
Revenue Generating Worksheet - for workshops or other smaller programs
If there is no cost or expense for a category, put a zero in the box. Estimate numbers/amounts. Do not use ranges. Calculations will not work with ranges.
Program Analysis System
The Program Analysis System is a tool used to program review in conjunction with other programmatic data. Updates to the Program Analysis System Can be found on the T Drive Folder "University Budget & Program Information".
FY22 Leveraged Equipment Form and Instructions
In FY22 SMSU has been awarded $195,818 of leveraged equipment funds. All leveraged equipment funds must have a one for one match that does not include any state funding. Please read the linked document for instructions.
Covid-19 Reports
Last Modified: 10/25/24 3:38 PM | Website Feedback