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Summer Bridge

Summer Bridge is a three-week intensive residential summer program that provides in-coming freshmen with the
opportunity to earn eight college credits before the start of the academic year.

In addition, students will receive a waiver for the cost of the eight college credits. All tuition, course fees, residence halls,
board and books will be deferred and included in fall enrollment costs.

In order to participate, students must be accepted and enrolled for the Fall semester. Also, students will provide three reference
names of teachers and/or academic counselors/coaches who can provide recommendations for individuals' academic abilities.
The program is limited to 40 students: 20 AOS students and 20 AOS student-athletes.

All tuition, course fees, residence hall and board charges will be deferred and included in the Fall semester bill.

AOS Summer Bridge Classes*

Course # Course Name Credits
JUAD 220 Criminal Justice & Pop Culture 3 CREDITS
THTR 220 Film & Television Appreciation 3 CREDITS
PE 149 Strength & Conditioning 1 CREDITS
GLBL 099 Global Issues & Events 1 CREDITS
*These classes can't be exchangeable.

Projected Cost**

Item Name Cost / Credit
Tuition: 8 Credits $2,040.00
Student Fees $309.12
Estimated Room Cost $420.00
Dining (3 meals per day) $398.00
Duplicating & Course Materials $50.00
Mini Voyage $450.00
Estimated Total $3,667.12
8 Credits Waived $-2,040.00

**Tuition is based upon an estimate and will be finalized in the coming months. SMSU reserves the right to change tuition and fee costs. 

FY25 rates were used for this estimate and are subject to change.

How to Apply

Contact Michele Knife Sterner at, call 507-537-7382, or apply online at

Last Modified: 3/17/25 11:22 AM | Website Feedback