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Photo of the planetarium


The Southwest Minnesota State University Planetarium is a theater of the universe. It can surround you with an accurate image of the sparkling night sky as well as display the complex motions and cycles that take place around us. State-of-the-art technologies create a fully immersive multimedia experience.

The three primary projection systems include a laser phosphor digital full-dome system, an LED-driven optical-mechanical star projector offering the most pristine look at the night sky, as well as a full-color laser light show system that can fill the entire dome with mesmerizing laser light. To augment this experience, a powerful audio system enhances the impact of the experience as you take in the wonders of the cosmos. This unique experience will interpret the universe in a way that appeals to both the mind and the eye. The Planetarium will introduce you to a life-long acquaintance with the sky and the dynamic universe we are a part of.

To book a group planetarium star show and/or laser light show by contacting the planetarium director:

Ken Murphy

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Sun and Sky Chart

2025 Sky and Space Calendar Preview
Date Event
4-Jan Earth at perihelion, closest point to the sun, 91.4 million miles
5-Jan Latest sunrise at 7
14-Jan 20th anniversary of Huygens probe landing on Saturn’s moon—Titan
January 16-18 Saturn and Venus close in evening sky
January ? Launch of NASA’S Blue Ghost Mission 1, a lunar lander
January ? Launch of JAXA’s (Japan) lunar lander/rover Resilience
29-Jan Chinese New Year—Year of the Snake; second new moon after winter solstice
Early 2025 Launch of NASA’S Intuitive Machines 2 (PRIME 1), a lunar lander
February 23-25 Mercury and Saturn close in evening sky, difficult to see
9-Mar Spring ahead! Daylight Saving Time begins
12-Mar Saturn at solar conjunction—behind sun—moving to morning sky
14-Mar Pi Day and Einstein’s birthday
14-Mar Total Lunar Eclipse! 12
18-Mar USSR cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov makes first space walk
20-Mar Spring begins at 4
22-Mar Venus at inferior conjunction, between Earth and sun, moving to morning sky  
29-Mar Partial Solar Eclipse for NE USA, Europe—not visible in Wisconsin
April 9-11 Saturn and Mercury close in morning sky—difficult to see
April 11-17 55th anniversary of Apollo 13 mission to the moon
24-Apr 45th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope
May 1-7 Saturn and Venus close in morning sky
3-Jun 60th anniversary of first American spacewalk by astronaut Ed White
June 7-9 Jupiter and Mercury close in evening sky, difficult to see
24-Jun Jupiter at solar conjunction—behind sun—moving to morning sky
13-Jun Earliest sunrise, 5
20-Jun Summer Solstice starts at 9
27-Jun Latest sunset, 8
3-Jul Earth at aphelion, the farthest point from the sun, 94.5 million miles
14-Jul 10th anniversary of New Horizons flying by Pluto
17-Jul 50th anniversary of USA & USSR docking of Soyuz & Apollo spacecrafts
25-Jul Pluto at opposition
August 11-13 Jupiter and Venus close in morning sky
August 12-14 Perseids meteor shower peaks
20-Sep Saturn at opposition, up all night
22-Sep Fall arrives with the autumnal equinox at 1
23-Sep Neptune at opposition
Fall 2025? Launch of NASA’S Griffin Mission 1, a lunar lander
22-Oct 50th anniversary of first surface image of Venus by Soviet Union's Venera 9
2-Nov Fall back! Daylight Saving Time ends; 25th anniversary of Expedition 1—first crew at International Space Station (ISS)
5-Nov Closest supermoon of 2025, moon 7% bigger than average full moon
November 11-13 Mercury and Mars close in evening sky, difficult to see
21-Nov Uranus at opposition
5-Dec Bepi-Colombo - ESA mission goes into orbit around Mercury
8-Dec Earliest sunset, 4
December 12-14 Geminid meteor shower peaks
21-Dec Winter Solstice starts at 9