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English/Literature Course Rotation Schedule

English/Literature Course Rotation Schedule

This general course rotation schedule is subject to change depending on the department’s staffing. Always check the online course schedule for changes/additions/deletions. All courses are subject to minimum enrollment requirements as determined by the administration.

English course rotation schedule
Subject Title Semester Offered
EMLS 095 Intermediate Listening & Speaking Review Fall
EMLS 096 Intermediate Writing & Reading Review Fall, Spring
EMLS 098 Basic Listening and Speaking Fall, As needed
EMLS 099 Basic Writing and Reading Fall, As needed
EMLS 125 Intermediate Listening and Speaking Fall, Spring
EMLS 126 Intermediate Writing and Reading Fall, Spring
EMLS 150 Advanced Listening and Speaking Spring
EMLS 151 Advanced Writing and Reading Fall, Spring
ENG 099 Introduction to Academic Writing Fall, Spring
ENG 107 Introduction to Creative Writing Fall, Spring
ENG 151 Academic Writing Fall, Spring
ENG 200 Student Publications As needed
ENG 204 Introduction to Journalism Spring
ENG 207 Writers' Workshop Spring
ENG 251 Writing in Professions  Fall, Spring
ENG 286 Special Topics in Writing As needed
ENG 288 Techniques in Craft As needed
ENG 289 Introduction to Professional Writing Fall of Odd Years
ENG 301 Poetry Workshop Fall
ENG 302 Fiction Workshop Fall
ENG 303 Screenwriting Workshop Fall of Odd Years
ENG 304 Special Projects As needed
ENG 305 Creative Non-Fiction Workshop Spring of Odd Years
ENG 320 Publishing for Creative Writers Fall
ENG 331 Business Communications Fall
ENG 351 Writing in Medical & Health Professions Fall, Spring
ENG 360 Scientific & Technical Writing Fall, Spring
ENG 361 Advanced Composition Spring
ENG 362 History & Structure of the English Language As needed
ENG 365 Modern Grammar Spring
ENG 401 Advanced Poetry Workshop Spring
ENG 404 Advanced Fiction Workshop Spring
ENG 410 Advanced Journalism As needed
ENG 420 Editing Technical Documents Fall of Even Years 
ENG 460 Writing and New Media Spring of Odd Years
ENG 480 Tutoring Writing Fall
ENG 486 Advanced Topics in Writing As needed
ENG 488 Techniques in Craft As needed
ENG 490 Contemporary Composition Theory and Pedagogy Fall of Odd Years
ENG 492  Theory & Practice of Professional Writing Fall of Even Years 
ENG 494 Direct Studies in Writing As needed 
ENG 495 Senior Capstone Fall
ENG 499 Internship As needed
Literature course rotation schedule
Subject Title Semester Offered
LIT 100 Literature: Human Diversity Fall
LIT 120 Introduction to Literature As Needed
LIT 150 Literature: Global Perspective Fall of Even Years
LIT 170 Literature: People & Environment Spring
LIT 200 Literature: Rural/Regional Experience As needed
LIT 250 Critical Approaches to Literature Spring
LIT 261 Novel Fall
LIT 262 Short Story Spring 
LIT 263 Poetry As needed
LIT 264 World Drama As needed
LIT 265 Literature and Film Fall of Odd Years
LIT 266 Fiction As needed
LIT 286 Special Topics in Literature As needed
LIT 292 Honors Credit Literature As needed
LIT 303 British Authors: Short Course As needed
LIT 304 American Authors: Short Course As needed
LIT 305 World Authors: Short Course As needed
LIT 306 Craft and Theory: Prose and Poetry Fall
LIT 309 Authors As needed
LIT 310 Greek Mythology & Literature Fall of Even Years
LIT 320 British Literature Survey: Beginnings to Present Spring
LIT 330 American Literature Survey: Beginnings to Contemporary Fall
LIT 335 African American Literature Spring of Even Years
LIT 340 Sexuality and Gender in Literature Fall of Even Years
LIT 355 Native American Literature Fall of Odd Years
LIT 365 Auto/Biography As needed
LIT 370 Contemporary World Literature Fall
LIT 375  Women's Literature Spring of Odd Years
LIT 410 Literacy & Literature for Adolescents Spring of Even Years
LIT 423 Shakespeare Spring of Odd Years
LIT 486 Advanced Topics in Literature As needed
LIT 494 Directed Studies in Literature As needed
LIT 523 Shakespeare Spring of Odd Years

Last Modified: 9/6/24 10:03 AM | Website Feedback