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Documentation Guidelines

Under the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are guaranteed certain protections and rights to equal access to programs and services.  In order to access these rights, an individual must present documentation indicating that the disability substantially limits some major life activity.

Generally speaking, Accessibility Services at Southwest Minnesota State University, requires that submitted documentation be within three years old; however, we may utilize common sense and discretion in accepting older documentation of conditions that are permanent or nonvarying.  Likewise, changing conditions and/or changes in how the condition impacts the individual brought on by growth and development may warrant more frequent updates in order to provide an accurate picture.  Therefore, we reserve the right to request additional information to determine eligibility. 

In some cases, students with certain disabilities (e.g. psychiatric, TBI, etc.) may be required to submit updated documentation from their provider on a continued basis in order to remain eligible for services.

The following documentation requirements are provided in the interest of assuring that documentation for students with disabilities is appropriate to verify eligibility and to support requests for accommodations, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids.

To provide the comprehensive information needed, these seven essential elements should be included in the documentation, as appropriate.

  1. The credentials of the evaluator
  2. A diagnostic statement identifying the disability
  3. A description of the diagnostic methodology used
  4. A description of the current functional limitations
  5. A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability
  6. A description of current and past accommodations, services, and/or medications
  7. Suggestions for accommodations, adaptive devices, assistive services, compensatory strategies, and/or collateral support services.

For clarification of this criteria and/or questions about the services at Southwest Minnesota State University for students with documented disabilities, please call 507-537-6492 or visit us in Individualized Learning 220.

The following templated forms can be used by the professional you are working with for obtaining the appropriate documentation. Please verify this information’s completion by the professional (e.g. clinic fax sheet, physician stamp or cover letter)


Last Modified: 8/29/23 10:15 AM | Website Feedback