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Educational Programs and Outreach

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion offers expansive educational programming designed to ensure that all students have the opportunity to maximize their educational experience. Our office collaborates with organizations both on and off campus to bring a rich variety of events to campus that explore the diaspora of lived experience both in our region and our nation. 

Check out our past events and programming page for examples of the programming and events sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion in partnership with Access Opportunity Success among several others. 

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion also provides outreach on our campus community as well as with the City of Marshall's Diversity Equity and Inclusion Commission. Other campus and community partners include the Women's Center, the LGBTQIA+ Center, Welcoming Week, and the MORE Network. 

Celebrating Black & African American Minnesotans 

UPCOMING Programming: Free and Open to the Public 

February, SMSU will celebrate Black History Month as we explore the dynamic history of Black and African Americans in Minnesota. Our celebration will include poetry readings from a Black Minnesota author and poet, the review of a documentary on the history of the Rondo neighborhood and the construction of I-94, and hear from Black and African American, Minnesota educators.

Detailed program information forthcoming.

Last Modified: 12/30/24 4:57 PM | Website Feedback