Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
CSA Crime Reporting Form
Who are Campus Security Authorities?
Campus Security Authority (CSA) is a Clery-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution.
- Members of the Southwest Minnesota State University Public Safety Department.
- Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus public safety department.
- Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses; or
- An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings. An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution. Some examples of CSA’s in this category include, but are not limited to: academic deans; student affairs / residential life officials; athletic administrators including director, assistant directors and coaches; student activities coordinators and staff; student judicial officials; faculty and staff advisors to student organizations; student advisors.
Who is not a CSA?
The following non-CSA positions / functions include but are not limited to: faculty member without responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom; physicians/nurses in the Health Center who only provide care; clerical or administrative support staff; cafeteria staff; facilities maintenance staff; information technology staff, licensed mental health or pastoral counselors, when acting within the scope of their license or certificate; and other like functions.
What do CSAs do at SMSU?
All CSAs are required to promptly report crimes, which are reported to them in their capacity as CSAs, to help inform whether a timely warning or emergency notification to the campus community is warranted. The CSA Crime Reporting Form includes the following information:
- The crime that was reported and the information provided
- The exact location where the crime occurred
- The date and time the crime occurred
- Any witness and perpetrator information
- Victim information, unless the victim requests confidentiality
Campus Responsibilities
CSAs are encouraged to report all crimes reported to them, on a timely basis, to the University Public Safety department. Under the Clery Act, CSAs are required to report, Clery Act qualifying crimes which occurred on campus, in public areas bordering campus and in certain non-campus buildings owned or controlled (leased) by the University. The qualifying crimes and geographic designations are defined in the CSA training course. If it has been confirmed that an incident has previously been reported to the Marshall Police Department it does not have to be reported again. By creating the CSA position to include non-law enforcement personnel, the Clery Act recognizes that many individuals, including students, may not feel comfortable reporting crimes to the police, but might report incidents to other campus authorities. When CSAs pass reportable crimes on to the University Public Safety department, the crime statistics compiled for the annual report will be more accurate.
CSA Crime Reporting
When a crime is reported please ask the individual if they are willing to report the incident to the Marshall Police department. If they agree, please assist the complainant in making contact with the Marshall Police department department by calling (507) 537-7000.
If the complainant does not wish to contact the police, the CSA will need to complete a CSA report form for all Clery qualifying crimes. The report must be submitted in a timely fashion. If the crime reported presents an imminent threat to the SMSU campus, the Marshall Police department should be contacted immediately. The preferred method is to have CSAs submit reports online. Reports can also be made in person at the SMSU University Public Safety department located on the first floor of Founders Hall Room 108.
If the reported crime is made in good faith, meaning there is a reasonable basis for believing the information is not rumor or hearsay, then the crime is Clery reportable. When interacting with the reporting party, CSAs need to gather incident information that would provide sufficient detail to properly classify an incident. This means CSAs need to document reporting party responses or lack thereof. Identifying information should only be included in the report if the reporting party does not wish to remain confidential. CSA’s should not investigate crimes or attempt to determine whether a crime took place. When in doubt, a report form should be completed and submitted as soon as possible!
What is done with CSA Report Forms?
SMSU University Public Safety officials will review report forms and determine if an incident warrants timely warning/emergency notification of the University community. University Public Safety assesses all reports to determine if there is a reportable Clery crime to be placed within the Annual Fire Safety & Security Report. The Annual Fire Safety and Security Report is published and posted for viewing. Hard copies are available upon request.
CSA Training
All CSAs are required to take training annually. Click below for the training presentation and the annual CSA Test available through D2L.
CSA Training Presentation Campus Security Authority Test
If you need assistance with completing a Crime Reporting Form, questions about whether a specific position qualifies as a CSA, or would like additional Clery training please email the Director of University Public Safety at or contact 507-537-7252.
Thank you for your continued support of SMSU's institutional responsibilities to meet all expectations and requirements of Federal laws.
Last Modified: 2/28/25 3:45 PM | Website Feedback