Submit a Sexual Violence Complaint
Submit a Complaint
(Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking)
Southwest Minnesota State University encourages those who have experienced any form of sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and/or dating/relationship violence to report the incident to the University Public Safety office. If you would like to file a separate report to law enforcement, you may do so at any time by dialing 911.
To Submit a Complaint:
All reports will be held in strict confidence and are anonymous unless you share your identity. As you submit your report, please know that our ability to most thoroughly investigate any complaint is dependent on the information you provide. Providing details about the location, whether you are a student/employee, and the nature of the incident will enable us to most effectively address the matter you are reporting.
Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for monitoring and oversight of overall implementation of Title IX compliance at the University, including coordination of training, education, communications, and administration of the complaint procedures for faculty, staff, students and other members of the University community.
Erin Kline
Assistant Vice President for Equity and Inclusion/ Campus Diversity Officer
Title IX Coordinator
Founders Hall 216 Southwest Minnesota State University
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Faculty, Staff and Visitors
To file a complaint against a SMSU employee for sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or sexual assault, you should contact:
Michael J. Munford
Director of Public Safety Title IX Investigator
Founder's Hall 116 Southwest Minnesota State University
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students
To file a complaint against a SMSU Student for sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or sexual assault, you should contact:
Joyce Tofte
Violence Prevention & Education Coordinator Title IX Investigator
Founder's Hall 107 Southwest Minnesota State University
Sexual assault and some other forms of sexual misconduct can be both a criminal offense as well as a violation of the Minnesota State/SMSU 1B.3/1B.1 policies. A student or employee alleged to have engaged in a sexual assault can be prosecuted under Minnesota criminal statutes and/or disciplined under the 1B.1.1/1B.3.1 or applicable employment procedures. Criminal proceedings and University proceedings are separate processes with independent outcomes.
Support and Resources for Sexual Violence Survivors
If you have been a victim of sexual violence.....
- Do you want to report the crime with law enforcement?
- Emergency - 911
- Marshall Police, 507-537-7000, 611 W Main St., Marshall, MN
- Do you want to go the hospital?
- Avera Marshall Regional Medical Center - 507-532-9661, 300 S Bruce St., Marshall, MN
- Do you want to talk to someone?
- New Horizons Crisis Center - 507-537-6817 - Service victims of sexual violence and general crime. All services are free and confidential. 24/7 crisis line - 800-881-7493
- SMSU Counseling - 507-537-7150 - Trained, professional counselors are available to you at no cost. They provide confidential, supportive counseling.
- WoMens Rural Advocacy Program - Serving victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. All services are free and confidential. 24/7 crisis line - 800-639-2350. Text line - 507-532-2350
- Western Mental Health Center - 507-532-3236 - 24/7 Mobile Crisis Line - 800-658-2429
- Do you want to file a complaint with the University?
- University Public Safety - 507-537-7252, FH 108 1st Floor
- Title IX Coordinator - 507-537-6657, FH 216 2nd Floor
Southwest Minnesota State University follows the following policies regarding sexual violence, discrimination and harassment:
- SMSU Sexual Violence Policy
- Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.3 Sexual Violence Policy at
- Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.3.1 Sexual Violence Procedure at
- Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.1 Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity at
- Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.1.1 Report/Complaint of Discrimination /Harassment Investigation and Resolution at
Last Modified: 12/31/24 1:51 PM | Website Feedback