SMSU Maintenance Fee & Reserved Parking Rates
Updated for 2023-2024
Student Reserved Parking Rates
Full Year
Type |
Permit |
Tax |
Total |
General Reserved - Residential |
$350.00 |
$0 |
$350.00 |
Specific Reserved - Residential |
$475.00 |
$0 |
$475.00 |
General Reserved - Commuter |
$350.00 |
$25.81 |
$375.81 |
Specific Reserved - Commuter |
$475.00 |
$35.03 |
$510.03 |
Foundation Apartment Parking requires a Parking Permit since it is a reserved lot:
- If your apartment is full, the permit is free.
- If your apartment is not full, the cost for a permit is $180 for the year.
- Permits for the Foundation Apartment Parking Lot, Lot E, are on a first come, first serve basis and can be obtained from the Cashier’s Window.
Spring Semester Only
Type |
Permit |
Tax |
Total |
General Reserved - Residential |
$175.00 |
$0 |
$175.00 |
Specific Reserved - Residential |
$237.50 |
$0 |
$237.50 |
General Reserved - Commuter |
$175.00 |
$12.91 |
$187.91 |
Specific Reserved - Commuter |
$237.50 |
$17.52 |
$255.02 |
Employee/Staff Rates Payroll Deduction Only
Full Year
Type |
Permit |
Tax |
Total |
Maintenance Fee |
$210.00 |
$15.49 |
$225.49 |
General Reserved |
$350.00 |
$25.81 |
$375.81 |
Specific Reserved |
$475.00 |
$35.03 |
$510.03 |
Spring Semester Only
Type |
Permit |
Tax |
Total |
Maintenance Fee is prorated/acad year |
General Reserved |
$175.00 |
$12.91 |
$187.91 |
Specific Reserved |
$237.50 |
$17.52 |
$255.02 |
Adjunct Rates
Type |
Permit |
Tax |
Total |
Maintenance Fee |
$37.50 |
$2.77 |
$40.27 |
Students Pay a Maintenance Fee in law of regular parking permit sales.
For more information on parking changes visit this webpage: