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Adult Education/ Professional Development Courses

These courses will be offered through a unique blended format that combines independent learning, community learning, online interaction and classroom application.  This flexible formula will maximize learning for the busy professional educator.  The courses are developed on the tenants of adult learning including self-direction, application of life experience/knowledge, relevancy oriented, practical application and respect for the needs of the professional educator and his/her practice.

Students completing the course will:

  • Explore state-wide teacher research and what it can mean for their classroom
  • Adapt lessons to implement brain strategies that can activate learning for all students
  • Discover simple ways to differentiate instruction without rewriting their entire curriculum
  • Use their professional practice as a living laboratory and drive the content with their curriculum

Each semester the courses change. Please check the course schedule to see what is being offer this up coming semester.

If you are interested you can apply now by filling out the Part-Time Student Admission Form. No need to go through the admission process, it is just a simple form to get you started. Why wait when you can earn up to ten semester credits. 

If you have questions, please feel free to contact

Last Modified: 6/10/24 3:04 PM | Website Feedback