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Master of Science in Education

English Emphasis

On-Campus Graduate Program Advising Form
Southwest Minnesota State University
Name: __________________________________________________    Expected Graduation date (MO/YR): ______________________
Date you entered graduate classes at SMSU: _______________

Core Courses(11 Credits)

Courses Course Title Credit Semester
ED 623 Professional Planning & Assessment 2 F2 – E & O
ED 625 21st Century Brain-Based Teaching and Learning 3 F - O
ED 632 Linking Teaching, Content & Learning 3 F - E
ED 635 Content & Curriculum Development 3 Sp –E & O

Research Component (8 Credits)

Courses Course Title Credit Semester
ED 622 Research in Education 3 Sp1 – E & O
ED 624 Research Project Design 3 Su1 – E & O
ED 627 Research Project Implementation 2 Sp2 – E & O

Professional Field Emphasis: English (18 Credits)

Courses Course Title Credit Semester
LIT 622 19th & 20th Century British Literature Survey 4 Su – O
LIT 632 A Survey of American Literature in All Its Diversity 4 Su – E
ENG 670 Digital Writing Seminar 4 Su – E
ENG 675 Rhetoric, Literacy, & the Teaching of Writing 4 Su – E
ENG 656 Minnesota Writing & English Practicum (opt as offered) 1 Sp1 & Sp2
ENG 680 Autoethnography & the Teaching of Writing (opt as offered) 2 Sp - E
LIT 523 Shakespeare (opt as offered) 3 Sp - O
LIT 670 World Literature (opt as offered) 4 Varies

Note: This is a tentative schedule. Classes will be offered based on enrollment.

Grad Certificate in Literature Studies take LIT 523, LIT 622 and LIT 632
Grad Certificate in Writing take ENG 670, ENG 675, and ENG 680

*F-Fall, Sp-Spring, Su-Summer; E- Available even years only O- Available odd years only; 1- Take in first year of program 2- Take in second year of program. *- First listing is the suggested time to take this course however; it is available more than once each year. You are responsible to keep informed of any changes in requirements, which may affect your academic career.

** Students enrolled in the Masters of Science in Education program choose between Plan A and Plan B options. All students complete the Professional Education Core and a Professional Field Emphasis. Students who opt for Plan A complete ED 627, "Research Project Implementation" for a total program length of 34-38 credits. Students who opt for Plan B may take ED 624, "Research Project Design" or an elective in place of ED 627, "Research Project Implementation" for a total program length of 32-36 credits.

Last Modified: 4/5/24 10:13 AM | Website Feedback