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Schedule & Explanation of Fees

Fees - Fall Semester 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025
Fee Per Credit 1-11 Credits Banded 12-18 Credits Additional Per Credit Beyond 18
Student Activity Fee 9.72 116.64 -
Student Center Facility Fee 16.63 199.56 -
Athletic Fee (not charged for summer session) 6.25 75.00 -
Health Services Fee 5.07 60.84 -
Technology Fee 14.00 217.00 14.00
Maintenance Fee (On-Campus) 5.30 79.50 5.30
Maintenance Fee (Off-Campus) 2.50 37.50 2.50
Students United Fee 0.80 12.00 0.80
Total Per Credit (On-Campus) 57.77
Total Per Credit (Off-Campus) 54.97
Total Banded 12-18 Credits (On-Campus) 760.54
Total Banded 12-18 Credits (Off-Campus) 718.54
Total Per Additional Credit After 18 (On-Campus) 20.10
Total Per Additional Credit After 18 (Off-Campus) 17.30
Miscellaneous Fees
Fee Cost Note
Undergrad Application Fee 20.00
Graduate Application Fee 30.00
Replacement ID 25.00
Late Fee 50.00 per semester
Non Sufficient Funds Charge 30.00 per returned check
Athletic Training Fee (for all student athletes) 40.00 for all student athletes
Residence Hall Association Fee 12.00 for students living in residence halls
Living and Learning Community Fee 25.00 for students residing in a Living and Learning Community
Orientation/New Student Full Time 135.00 assessed first term
Orientation/New Student Part Time 70.00 assessed first term
Transcript Fee 9.00 per official transcript
Degree Processing Fee 25.00 assessed prior to Graduation
Nursing Insurance Fee 6.00 Per semester for all nursing students
Credit for Prior Learning Rates 75.00
Credit by Exam 25.00
Duplicate Diploma 25.00 per diploma
Rush Diploma 25.00 in addition
**Rates are subject to change 


The Student Activity Fee is assessed to all students attending classes on campus and most students attending online. The rate is determined by the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee (SAFAC) and the Student Senate, and approved by the University President. The Members of SAFAC are dedicated to distributing student activity fees in a fair and unbiased fashion to enhance co-curricular life. SAFAC defines co-curricular life to be all aspects of programming which include the arts, literature, lectures, intramural sports and development of social and leadership skills among the students of SMSU.


The Student Center Facility Fee is assessed to all students attending classes on campus and most students attending online. The rate is determined by University Administration, forwarded to the Student Senate for review and recommendation, and approved by the Minnesota State Colleges & Universities Board of Directors. Funds are used to finance the construction, maintenance, and daily operation of the student center building.


The Athletic Fee is assessed to all students attending classes on campus and most students attending online. It is not assessed during the summer session. This fee is used to fund a portion of athletic programs. Students receive free admission to all regular season athletic contests.


The Health Services Fee is assessed to all students attending classes on campus and most students attending online. The rates are determined by a committee, approved by the Student Senate with final approval by the University President. The fee is used to fund the Health Center on campus. The Health Center is available to all students.


The Degree Processing Fee is assessed to all students prior to their graduation. This charge is used to cover degree processing fees.


The Technology Fee is assessed to all students attending class for credit. The rates are determined by the technology fee committee, approved by the Student Senate, with final approval by the University President. Funds are used to support the campus technology infrastructure and academic computing needs.


The Maintenance Fee is assessed to all students attending class for credit. This fee is used to support the safety and security of our students through such things as lighting, maintenance of sidewalks, parking lots and roads, Clery compliance reporting and the emergency notification system.


The Students United Fee is assessed to all students attending class for credit. The Students United Association and the Minnesota State Board determine the rates. The Students United Association represents the students' interest in system-wide policies regarding tuition, financial aid and academics. Representatives of Students United work with Minnesota State staff on budget issues and building project planning.


Some courses charge additional fees for differential or programmatic tuition, which is for the extraordinary cost of offering the course or program (i.e. the need for specialized equipment, expensive supplies, accreditation standards, etc.). Differential tuition is approved by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board.


Personal property and service charges are assessed to all students attending courses that have additional charges indicated in the schedule. Rates are determined by the Department Chairperson and approved by the Dean, Provost, and Vice President for Finance and Administration. Personal property charges are for property that is retained by the student and has value outside of the classroom (tools, books, materials, supplies, identification cards, etc.). Service charges are assessed for a variety of reasons: equipment that is required by an institution or program, special testing or certification; instructional costs not included in tuition but paid by the student to a private vendor such as bowling fees or greens fees; cost of private music lessons; and actual course-related travel costs required for transportation, housing and food for Global Studies travel.

* Rates are subject to change.

Last Modified: 3/6/25 1:14 PM | Website Feedback