Logging into e-Services
Use these instructions to login to SMSU e-Services and fill out a housing application.
1. Open an internet browser.
2. Enter www.smsu.edu into the address bar and press enter.
3. Click on Menu located in the upper right hand corner of the website.
4. Click on e-Services. (See Figure 1)
You will see a Login Page asking for your StarID and Password. You must be admitted at SMSU in order to access e-Services. If you have not applied or been admitted to SMSU, you will need to contact Admissions at (507) 537-6286.
If you have not yet activated your StarID, please click here.
Figure 1 - e-Services Menu Link
5. Enter your StarID. (See Figure 2)
6. Enter your Password. (See Figure 2)
If you are logging into e-Services for the first time, your password will be one of two defaults. Your password will be either your birth date in YYMMDD format if you supplied that information at time of admission OR, the last six-digits of your Social Security Number.
Figure 2 - Login page for e-Services
7. Click on Login.
You have successfully logged into your e-Services account. You should see a Welcome to Southwest Minnesota State University e-Services statement on your screen.
8. Click on the link "Housing and Dining," located on the left hand side of the screen under "Student e-Services."
9. Click the Log in button.
10. This will take you to Your Home page, and your name will appear on the screen. Click on "Housing Application" and you will step through the housing application.
If at any point you have questions, please contact SMSU's Residence Life office at reslife@smsu.edu or call 507-537-6136. Welcome to SMSU!
Last Modified: 7/26/22 2:15 PM | Website Feedback